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Plenary presentations    RELAP presentations    Poster presentations

Name/Organization Title of presentation Printing version
Josef Misak, IAEA IAEA Activities in the Aria of WWER Reactor Nuclear Safety slides
Alexander Kolotov, REA Rosenergoatom Safety Assessment Program for NPP Power Units document(eng)
Oleg Makhniouk, GAN In-Depth Safety Assessment Results for Operating RBMK NPPs abstract
Sandor Szirmai, HAEA The FSAR of the Paks NPP and its Safety Analysis Chapter document
Gyozo Fejerdy, Paks NPP Modeling of Overpressure Protection System Using APROS-5.11 abstract
Nicolay Fil,Podshibiakin A.K., Borisov L.N., Shchekoldin V.V., Gidropress Sensitivity of VVER-1000 LB-LOCA Analysis to Initial/Boundary Conditions document
M. Modro, INEEL; S. Chakraborty, Switzerland; M. Clemente, Germany; J. E. Fisher, USA; M.W. Jankowski, IAEA; M. Khatib-Rahbar, USA; E. Knoglinger, IAEA Consultant; A. Krayushkin, Russia; D.A. Mikhaylov, Russia; J. Misak, IAEA; Accidents Analysis and Associated Training Program for Kursk NPP #1 (Phase 1) abstract
M. Jankowski, IAEA; S. Chakraborty, Switzerland; M. Clemente, Germany; S. Dolganov, Russia; J. E. Fisher, USA; M. Khatib-Rahbar, USA; E. Knoglinger, IAEA Consultant; J. Misak, IAEA; M. Modro, USA; S. Neelov, Russia; A.A. Potapov, Russia; V.E. Radkevich, Russia; M.I. Rozhdestvensky, Russia; Accidents Analysis and Associated Training Program for Kursk NPP #1 (Phase 2) slides
Igor Karelov, M.L. Perepelitsa, EIS Analysis of Feed and Bleed Regime for Modified PORVs on Z-NPP #5,6 abstract
Eva Toth, Paks NPP Bubble Condensor Experimental Qualification Project abstract
Sergey Kukhar, LNPP Upgrading of Leningrad NPP Based on PSA Results slides
Ihor Sergeyev, EIS Overview of Internal Events PSA of Unit-1 of Khmelnitskiy NPP abstract
Sergiy Krasnukha, S.Zhalilo, SUNPP Main Results of Peer Review of PSA of SUNPP abstract
Heorhiy Balakan, A. Prokhodtsev, SUNPP Management of the Risk of SUNPP based on PSA Level-1 Results abstract
A. Zhavrid, V.S. Boytchyuk, ZNPP Zaporizhzhe NPP #5 PSA Level-1: Results and Review Comments abstract
K. Scherbinin, KhNPP; Sergey Vetchynkin, KIEP In-Depth Safety Assessment of Khmelnitsky NPP #1, based on Non-Lead Plant abstract
Sergey Stashevsky, Vladlen Yarovoy, EIS Evaluation of Equipment Replacements at ZNPP #5 Using SAPHIRE Code abstract
Michael Modro, R. Scott Hartley, Steven D. Novack, Kelly Reeves, INEEL INEEL Probabilistic Risk Monitor Software for SAPHIRE abstract
Bronislav Vinnikov, Kurchatov Institute; S.D. Novack, INEEL Peer Review of a Risk Monitor based on the SAPHIRE Code abstract
Miroslav Jakes, Czech Nucl. Safety Authority Introduction to the PSA of Temelin NPP slides
G. Samokhin, SEC-NRS Defining Success Criteria and Acc. Sequence Analysis Tasks for VVER-440 PSA slides
Lenard Saguidulin, D.Goma, ET&D Peer Review of PSA Projects for Ukrainian NPPs abstract
Tatiana Berg, SEC-NRS Development of Regulatory PSA Documents and PSA Review slides
Bronislav Vinnikov, Kurchatov Institute In-Depth Reliability Analysis of Kursk NPP #1 ECCS before Upgrading
Natalia Istomina, Tatiana Tchoulkova, SEC-NRS Use of Expert Methods for for Evaluation of Acc. Consequences abstract(eng)
V.E Kroshilin, S.D. Kalinitchenko, A.E. Kroshilin, VNIIAES THA of NPP Primary and Secondary Circuits with BAGIRA Code abstract
Bruce Schmitt, PNNL Deterministic Analysis Support for the LNPP #2 In-Depth Safety Assessment slides
Alexander Bolibok, Vasily Galkin, EIS General Approach to EOIs; Analytical Justification for ZNPP #5 abstract
Peter Matejovic, M. Bachraty, IVS Trnava; D. Svincak, J. Balazi, Bohunice NPP Analysis of EOIs for Bohunice V-1 NPP slides
Valeri Strizhov, V.Medvedev, F.Ulyanov, A.Kiselev, A.Kiselev, IBRAE Assessment of Stress/Strain State of VVER-1000 Concrete Containment slides
E. Uspuras (G. Dundulis), R. Kulak, A. Marchertas, LEI Pipe Whip Transient Analysis of the Ignalina NPP abstract
Sergey Boutorin, VNIPIET; A.G.Krayev, RMINSK; S.G.Shulman, SPBGTU General Approach to Structural Analysis of NPPs slides
E. Uspuras, A. Kaliatka, LEI RBMK-1500 Acc. Management for Loss of Long-Term Cooling abstract
Valeri Strizhov, V. Nosatov, IBRAE Analyses of VVERs Using the MELCOR Code document
N.V. Boukine, L.N.Borisov, A.L.Gromov, N.S.Fil, A.M.Shumsky, Gidropress Effect of Passive Safety Systems on Beyond Design Basis Accidents for V-392 Plants abstract
L. Sabotinov, S.Cadet-Mercier, A.Amri, IPSN Analysis of Total Loss of Steam Generator Feed Water in VVER NPPs abstract
V. Peresadko, V.Berkovitch, G.Taranov, M.Maltsev, AEP; A.Podshibyakin, S.Zaytsev, A.Shumsky, Gidropress VVER-1000 Core and Conainment Behaviour for LB-LOCA with Blackout abstract
T.E. Kouznetsova, V.E. Nechetny, N.S. Fil, Gidropress Acc. Anal. to Evaluate the Need and Effectiveness of VVER-440 Prot. System Mods document
Yu. Kavun, AEP; A. Popykion, V.Ignatenko, SEC-NRS RIA Calculation for VVER-440 with Radyga Code abstract
F. D'Auria, G. Galassi, A. Spadoni, D. Mazzini, University of Pisa VVER-1000 and VVER-440 system transient analyses at University of Pisa slides
Can Canavan, Data Systems & Solutions PSA peer review abstract
G.Gromov, I.Lola, S.Sholomitsky, D.Gumenyuk, V.Kouzan, Energorisk Ltd. Evaluation of Maximum Press. and Temp. in VVER-440/213 for Sec. Pipe Breaks document
J.Augutis, LEI Assessment of Gas Gap evaluation for the Ignalina NPP RBMK-1500 slides

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