INSC of Ukraine

p a r t n e r s 

The Ukrainian International Nuclear Safety Center Web Site is one of several Web Sites dedicated to the open distribution of information related to international nuclear safety. This Web Site was established in January 2001 at the Department of Nuclear Engineering of Kyiv University.

The information available from this Web Site is linked to corresponding information available from other INSC Web Sites, which are currently located
in the USA at Argonne National Laboratory (US INSC),
in Moscow at the Russian International Nuclear Safety Center (RINSC),
in Lithuania at the Lithuanian Energy Institute in Kaunas (LEI), and
in Kazakhstan at the Nuclear Technology and Science Center in Almaty (NTSC).

USINSC: The International Nuclear Safety Center was established at Argonne National Laboratory in 1995 to initiate international collaboration on nuclear safety projects with the countries of the former Soviet Union as a direct result of the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission.

RINSC: The Russian International Nuclear Safety Center was established in 1996 as an independent organization under the Russian Ministery of Atomic Energy (MINATOM). Several joint projects have been successfully completed in collaboration with the US INSC and other international organizations.

LEI: An additional INSC Web Site was established at the Lithuanian Energy Institute in Kaunas, Lithuania. This web site provides detailed information on Lithuanian nuclear safety information and plant-specific information on the Ignalina nuclear power plant.

NTSC: The Nuclear Technology and Science Center in Almaty, Kazakhstan, provides information on nuclear safety research in Kazakhstan. Special emphasis is placed on the safety problems of nuclear power utilization and the effects on the environment and human health in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Last modyfied: 28.02.2001 Please contact the webauthor if any questions